Wholesale Customers

Wholesale Customers


Wholesale Customers 

Thank you for visiting Hopping Dog Cards wholesale page, specifically for our wholesale customers.  If you are a retailer and would like to apply for a trade account then please contact us here joannah@hoppingodgcards.com

Hopping Dog Wholesale Ankortsore Account 

Alternatively, as valued wholesale customers we have an Ankorstore account and you can purchase our stationery from this account 

I'm happy to announce that we are now on Ankorstore for our wholesale customers only! To welcome you to our new platform to manage wholesale orders, we offer £100 you can spend on all our catalogue!

With Ankorstore, you will also be able to place repeat orders more easily:

  • £100 voucher on your first order
  • Free shipping from £300
  • Min order from £100
  • Net60/30 payment terms

Hopping Dog Cards - Ankorstore 

01295 268649


Hopping Dog Cards on FAIRE

Hopping Dog Cards is also on Faire which is another recongnised paltform for wholesale customers.  This also gives our retailers felxibilty in purchasing our stationery and gifts for the their shops. 



Wholesale Customers Faire and Ankorstore






We can and do ship internationally and our EORI number is GB179317575000

Please click on the link to view and download a digital copy of our trade catalogue here:

Hopping Dog Cards Trade Catalogue 




Wholesale Customers - Bee Mugs